Race Cars For Sale Co-ordinator
Andy Gosling
THE CLASSIC FORMULA FORD CLUB maintains this page as a useful tool for competitors and prospective competitors and does not verify the accuracy of advertisements. We give no warranties and make no representations, express or implied, as to the content of the advertisements included in our classified section, including but not limited to the ownership, quality, authenticity of any photographs, compliance with description or fitness for purpose of anything listed for sale, and THE CLASSIC FORMULA FORD CLUB will not accept any liability in relation to any loss suffered by anyone as a result of using the classified section, howsoever caused.
ROYALE RP26 F/F1600 1979 Model.
On offer less engine but complete with fitting kit including stainless steel exhaust.
MK9 Hewland gearbox with adaptor and latest spec LED rain light.
Currently running in narrow nose spec. but with aluminium radiator , wide nose and original copper brass rad included.
New bodywork supplied by FCS from original production moulds with another wide nose ( never fitted )
Sparco seat belts valid to 2025. Purpose made and developed Quantum adjustable dampers.
Chassis has been re-painted and fitted with X brace and extra radius rod support bars.
Car has been run professionally by Wayne Poole Racing is in very clean condition with a lot of nice detail features.
Extra set of wheels and sundry suspension spares included.
A very competitive model for Class A Classic Formula Championship and other events.
Price : Asking £ 16,000.
Alan Cornock : FCS : e-mail alan.cornock@btinternet.com Phone 01480 860020 Mobile 07860 954238.
Classic Formula Ford
Close Racing within a friendly club atmosphere for Pre 1982 FF1600 Cars